Earlier this week I mentioned some exciting news coming to EHP and the time has come to let the cat out of the bag!
Several people messaged me asking if I’m closing the business (since I also posted several pieces of equipment for sale), but that’s not it…
However, I am making an intentional shift to move this business to a “side hustle” while I pursue new adventures. What new adventures you ask? Well aren't you a nosey nelly. 😊
As you know, I have a Masters degree in Counseling and I frequently find my relationships with people going deeper and deeper. It’s a natural thing for me to listen to people; they enjoy feeling heard. I don’t want that education or natural talent to go to waste, so I’ll be pursuing a role in the mental health field again while I earn my hours to sit for licensure (which may or may not lead to a private practice).
I have some other professional pursuits that I’d like to take a go at, but that will all unfold in time and I’ll be happy to share those things with you when they do.
What does EHP look like as a side hustle?
It means all new pricing and packaging, including a never before offered personal print release to private clients! I’ve always been a huge fan of printing and will continue to offer in person ordering appointments for select clients who want the most exquisite prints that only professionals have access to. But I also want people to print on their own because our time spent together with your animals deserves more dignity than existing in the digital space alone.
This change also means I’ll be taking on less portrait or show clients, so it’s important to schedule your session early, especially during the holiday season.
Not to worry, both natural light and studio portraiture on location will continue to be offered.
Thank you to my previous and future clients! Cheers to the rest of this year in style!
Talk soon,
